Monday, March 23, 2009

I was in a hospital for 1.5 weeks

On Thursday of UF's spring break, I went to FIU. I was visiting a friend who lived on campus at FIU. We had fun, and after saying bye to him around 11pm, I left his dorm to walk to my car. Somewhere between the dorm building and the parking lot, two things happened. I fell and hit my head. I lost consciousness. I have no idea of the order in which they happened. I'm told that a campus policeman saw me falling and came to help me. He asked me "Are you okay?" I answered "Where am I?" Since I was clearly not okay, he called the paramedics. I can remember from the paramedics. I remember that I was praying the whole time. I also remember calling my parents. What I don't remember, but what my mom told me, was that they left so quickly that they forgot to bring a Bible or anything, so my mom told me to recite Psalm 23. Apparently, I did it just fine. Then, I remember throwing up blood and blood coming out of my nose. Afterwards, I was told that if I didn't throw up, then the pressure in my head would have been too high and I could have died. The hospital was pretty boring. Being stuck in bed for 9 days is terrible. There weren't many good channels on the TV, and though I had my Nintendo DS with me, I found out, to my dismay, that I fell on it. The screens didn't work. But I spent a good portion of my time reading a book that I brought with me. And the Bible; the book of Job. On about March 19th, the nurses started talking about how my injury was similar to the one that Liam Neeson's wife had died from. They did not stop telling me how lucky I am. They did not stop talking about it even until I was discharged. I have a skull fracture on the back of my head as well as a blood clot. The fracture has healed a good deal, and the clot is dissolving. My right ear feels like there's water in it, and sounds are a little muffled through it. The doctor said it'll get better. My heart rate drops to something around 30 beats per minute sometimes. The average resting heart rate, I'm told, is around 70 bpm. So the hospital kept me in to make sure this wasn't the cause of me falling to begin with. So from 3/13 to 3/23, I was in a hospital in Miami (Kendall). But I'm free now. After all this, I can only say one thing: Praise God!

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