Thursday, January 19, 2017


I realized. Freedom. I'm not free just because I'm "doing what I want". I'm truly free if I can stop if I want to. Or a counter to that, just because I'm not doing what I don't want does not mean I'm free. If I change my mind, then I need to be able to do that. Only when I can do or not do something based on my choice am I truly free.

If I am smoking, then I'm not truly free. If I have to check my e-mail, then I'm not free. If I can't start doing work when I should, then I'm not free. I am yet bound.

Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. Loose these binds of laziness. Of getting what I think I want. Of living for me rather than God.

If I am to be bound, I'd much rather be bound to heaven.