Tuesday, June 8, 2010

My Brain Hurts, But It's Worth It?

So my brain has been crying out in pain these past few days. I was paranoid of after effects of last year's accident, but after talking with a friend who is experiencing similar symptoms, I realized why. It's hurting only because I'm trying to stuff more information into it than a reasonable person should be trying to put into it.

The bar review class is not that bad. It's basically taking all of what we should have learned in law school and cramming it into your head in 4 hour per day increments. (This is only in lectures. This isn't including the practice tests, the readings, the writing, etc.)

The bar exam will be in roughly 1.5 months. End of July. I know I'm not ready for it. Right now, I really wish I never got the Starcraft 2 Beta key. That certainly soaked up some of my time. It was fun, too. I'm looking forward to August 7, only because I'll be done with everything, and I'll be able to sit down and play my pre-ordered copy of Starcraft 2.

But for now, I'm glad that the beta period ended. I'm hoping that it was contributing to me sleeping past 2 AM. Because if it hasn't been, then that means that I need to figure out what's been making me sleep so late, and fix it.

So yea, my brain hurts. So much information. I wonder if I should have come to law school to begin with. Ah well. Just need to take the bar exam.

1 comment:

Ryan said...

Good luck!

We'll have to enjoy some SC2 when this is all done and over with.